Medium Format

Today I shot and developed the first roll of film on my newest garage sale find, the Zenza Bronica S2A.  It’s a medium format 6X6 camera which uses 120 film.  I ordered a smattering of different 120 rolls earlier in the week, which conveniently arrived just as I was wrapping up work for the evening. I just had to go shoot one, so I didn’t over-think it, loaded a roll of HP5, threw the camera in my bag and strolled around the neighborhood for a half hour…

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I couldn’t be happier with the results!  The camera is super fun to shoot (love that shutter slap) and 75mm lens is sharp from corner to corner.  My focusing needs some work (*cough* the portraits yikes), but all in all I’m really energized to get out and shoot more with it!

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